Group leader
Thejasvi Beleyur, Group Leader, homepage
Alberto Doimo, Research Assistant
Development of the Ro-BAT active-sensing robotics platform.
Masters students
- Gabriele Baroli (2024-ongoing): Masters thesis (Music & Acoustic Engineering, Politecnico Milano) 2024-25. Building the active-sensing V2 Ro-BAT.
- Aditya Moger (starting mid-2025) : Masters thesis (Integrated BS-MS, IISER Pune). Modelling of echolocating bat groups.
PhD candidates
We are looking for PhD candidates - see openings here
We are looking for postdocs - see openings here
- Alberto Doimo (2024): Masters thesis in Music & Acoustic Engineering, Politecnico Milano) . Building the passive sensing V1 Ro-BAT.
- Julian Jandeleit (2022-23): Bachelors thesis in Computer Science, Uni. Konstanz. Multi-sensor alignment of featureless thermal and LiDAR cave scenes.
- Giray Tandoğan (2021): Masters thesis in Computer & Information Science, Uni. Konstanz. Multi-animal, multi-camera tracking and correspondence matching.
None of this work happens in a vacuum. Here is the scientific community around our research projects:
Swarm robotics
- Andreagiovanni Reina (CASCB, Uni. Konstanz)
- Prof. Heiko Hamann
Source localisation in complex audio
- Computer vision & machine learning group (Uni. Lund, Sweden)
- Prof. Kalle Åström
- Max Modig
- Erik Tegler
- Jens Gulin
Computer vision
- Computer vision & image analysis group, Prof. Bastian Goldluecke (Uni. Konstanz)
Animal collective behaviour
- Prof. Iain Couzin (Uni. Konstanz/MPI Animal Behavior)
- Animal Ecology and Urban Communication group (Max-Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen)
- Henrik Brumm
- Léna de Framond
- Holger R. Goerlitz (MPI-Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen)